House Bill 158
Return To SearchRegards the regulation of cosmetologists and barbers
To amend sections 2925.01, 3333.26, 3937.41, 4709.01, 4709.07, 4709.08, 4709.09, 4709.11, 4709.12, 4709.14, 4709.99, 4713.01, 4713.02, 4713.06, 4713.07, 4713.071, 4713.08, 4713.081, 4713.09, 4713.10, 4713.14, 4713.141, 4713.16, 4713.17, 4713.25, 4713.28, 4713.30, 4713.31, 4713.34, 4713.35, 4713.37, 4713.39, 4713.41, 4713.46, 4713.49, 4713.55, 4713.56, 4713.58, 4713.59, 4713.60, 4713.61, 4713.62, 4713.63, 4713.64, 4713.641, 4713.66, 4713.69, 4713.99, and 4973.17; to enact new sections 4709.02, 4709.03, 4709.05, 4709.10, 4709.13, 4713.44, and 4713.45 and sections 4709.031, 4709.051, 4709.071, 4709.072, 4709.073, 4709.091, 4709.111, 4709.112, 4713.33, and 4713.331; and to repeal sections 4709.02, 4709.03, 4709.05, 4709.10, 4709.13, 4709.23, 4713.26, 4713.36, 4713.44, and 4713.45 of the Revised Code to make changes to the law governing the regulation of cosmetologists and barbers, to enter into the Cosmetology Licensure Compact, and to revise the law governing hospital police officer commissions.
Current Version
Effective Date
October 24, 2024

House Commerce and Labor Committee
Senate Government Oversight Committee
Primary Sponsors
Bill Roemer
Melanie Miller
Nickie J. Antonio
Jerry C. Cirino
Hearcel F. Craig
William P. DeMora
Paula Hicks-Hudson
Terry Johnson
Bill Reineke
Michele Reynolds
Kristina D. Roegner
Kent Smith
Shane Wilkin
Sean P. Brennan
Sara P. Carruthers
Rodney Creech
Jay Edwards
Ron Ferguson
Elliot Forhan
Sarah Fowler Arthur
Jennifer Gross
Mark Johnson
Don Jones
Darrell Kick
Brian Lorenz
Mike Loychik
Adam Mathews
Derek Merrin
Bob Peterson
Sharon A. Ray
Elgin Rogers, Jr.
Terrence Upchurch
Bernard Willis
Tom Young