Senate Bill 177
Return To SearchEstablish and operate the Ohio Health Care Plan
To amend section 109.02 and to enact sections 3920.01, 3920.02, 3920.03, 3920.04, 3920.05, 3920.06, 3920.07, 3920.08, 3920.09, 3920.10, 3920.11, 3920.12, 3920.13, 3920.14, 3920.15, 3920.21, 3920.22, 3920.23, 3920.24, 3920.25, 3920.26, 3920.27, 3920.28, 3920.31, 3920.32, and 3920.33 of the Revised Code to establish and operate the Ohio Health Care Plan to provide universal health care coverage to all Ohio residents.
Current Version
Introduced In House
In House Committee
Reported By Committee
Passed By House
Introduced In Senate
In Senate Committee
Reported By Committee
Passed By Senate
Senate Insurance Committee
Primary Sponsors
William P. DeMora
Paula Hicks-Hudson
Nickie J. Antonio
Hearcel F. Craig
Catherine D. Ingram
Kent Smith
Vernon Sykes